I just recently purchased an MPC-20 and the Pedal Configuration tool does not recognize the device on any computer I own. The firmware update tool however does. Unfortunately, this means I cannot configure the device to be used.
So far I've tried this on 2 Windows 11 laptops, a Windows 10 desktop, and a Windows 8 laptop. I have tried Pedal Config tool version 2.2 and version 2.0. I have ensured that I have the USB driver installed.
I was able to use the firmware update tool to update the version to 1.0.3 and it is recognized in that tool as running that version.
I can see the COM port in the device manager. Version 2.0 of the Pedal Config tool lets me type in the com port, however it can never connect to the unit. Version 2.2 does not give you the option to type in a com port. No COM port is listed.
When plugged in the unit has a red light that flashes repeatedly on it. It seems to be ok (especially since the firmware tool can communicate with it)
Can you please help me? This seems to be a software problem with the Pedal Configuration tool.